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SME '19:蒂姆·西格林重述流媒体东部的亮点

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蒂姆Siglin: 嗨,我是蒂姆·西格林. 我们现在是流媒体东部2019. 我是…的特约编辑 流媒体杂志 也是公司的创始执行董事 帮助我! 流, which is a not-for-profit focused on working with NGOs to get critical messaging out. 我在这里稍微回顾一下.

We're down toward the end of the show and just wanted to sort of touch base on a few of the things that I've heard this year at the show.


首先我要讲的是多重编解码器. 昨天我主持了一个有很多人参加的小组讨论, 一个来自Mozilla, 一个来自Twitch, 一个来自Vimeo, 一个是来自Ellation或Crunchyroll. 有工程师, and one of the things that we talked about was the move back toward multiple codecs.

The feeling in the industry is that AVC is here to stay and obviously AVC has been here for quite some time, 但随着HDR等技术的出现, 尤其是带有HDR的4K内容, AVC有点老了. 现在,显然是HEVC或H.265是AVC H的继承者.264差不多, 但我们也发现, 尤其是在小组里, 有公司在谈论实施VP9吗, 它是谷歌从On2收购的VPX系列的一部分.

除了VP9, 有一种新的编解码器,你可能会想到它叫VP10,但现在, 因为开放媒体联盟, 实际上叫做AV1. AV1 inherits a number of things from VP9 and one of the things we heard yesterday in that panel was that companies that have actually chosen to implement VP9, 即使是在比赛的最后阶段, are doing so in some small part because it makes it easier when AV1 is ready for Prime Time to integrate that encoder, 或者编解码器到它们的解中.

HEVC显然继续获得市场吸引力, 我感觉到的是AV1, as it moves closer and closer and especially as there's optimization and some of the announcements that were made at NAB with intel and others being able to do realtime encoding, AV1有机会取代HEVC.

另一方面, 还有VVC和EVC, which are two other potential codec implementations that one which will be ready in 2020. 所以这一切的重点是, if you go back 15 years ago or even 20 years ago when I first started in this industry, 我们之间有一场相当重要的编解码大战, 微软, 苹果的QuickTime.

这些都和H解出来了.264或AVC,罗马和平大概持续了10年. 我们正在进入一个阶段, 考虑到AVC的生命周期和提供4K内容的需求, HDR内容, 需要有一个替代的编解码器, 进入第二次编解码器大战的可能性让我有点不安, 但我明白,在我们前进的过程中,创新是必要的.

Hopefully we can get a definitive winner in a fairly short period of time and not revert back to having to support multiple codecs continuously for every single end user. There are benefits obviously to having multiple codecs and those were some of the things we talked about yesterday.


还有一些其他的话题:SSAI, 服务器端广告插入, 继续前进. I did an interview with Geir from fuboTV and he talked about how server-side ad insertion and personalization is actually moving along quite nicely. 这显然可以消除客户端广告拦截器, 但更多的是, it allows the personalization of content to end users regardless of the device they're on.


从我所做的采访中,我想到了一些其他的事情. this morning I did an interview with a gentleman who actually has a company that does A/V integration for education and government, 他说流媒体和A/V在某种程度上正在融合, but also clashing because you have IT departments that don't fully understand streaming still.

这让我有点吃惊, 因为我以为我们四五年前就解决了这个问题, 但事实上,这仍然是网络管理员的一个问题, the IT administrators still feel that streaming could somehow damage their networks if it's put on with content like email, FTP, 等等.


然后, 最后, one of the things that is consistently playing throughout most of the interviews we did yesterday and today, 这是OTT吗?, 现在对OTT的质量期望和对广播的期望是一样的. 回想过去, 我想昨天我们的第一个面试者, 莉斯, 她说你会有一辆生产卡车, there would be the full broadcast production and then they'd just give a feed to a TriCaster and say, “在这里, 你把这个放到网上."

斯科特变成灰色, 现在谁在IBM, 他曾在一些早期网络制作公司工作过, 他说了同样的话,现在期望是, 它在OTT上的播放质量. 这是有道理的, 因为随着掐线服务的增加,OTT的使用也在不断增加, 所以现在的问题是, OTT能从中学到什么, 或者流媒体可以从广播空间获得, 尤其是像atsc3这样的东西.0通过IP多播从管道下来? 流媒体可以从广播中学到什么, 广播从流媒体学到了什么?

我说这些是为了在明年之内说这些, 我们需要真正开始关注这两者合并的趋势. 我们说OTT, 本质上是为了区别于无线或有线电视, but in the end I think we're going to need to come up with a common terminology that describes broadcast of any kind, 无论是OTA上的多播, 通过OTT进行多个单播, 或者电缆厂.

在一天结束的时候, we have to figure out some way to get it back to a term like "broadcast" that we understand means live, 不管是电话, 无论是到机顶盒, 无论是通过无线电视, 或者通过电缆基础设施.

加入我们的网站: 流媒体西部 在11月!

所以,我们将于11月在洛杉矶再次与您见面. We're actually moving from Huntington Beach to Los Angeles for 流媒体西部, 我期待着届时再次与你们所有人交谈.

祝你一天愉快. 我是蒂姆·西格林,我们下次再聊.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

想在流媒体东发言? 这是如何.

邀请发言人的时间截止到2月3日, 所以今天就把你的演讲提案提交给OTT峰会吧, 视频工程 & 科技峰会,电子竞技 & 体育流媒体峰会,或企业 & 教育视频峰会


The 2020 流媒体东部 conference moves to a new location: The Westin Copley Place in Boston.

19: Twitch的Tarek Amara谈论多编解码器流媒体

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin and Twitch's Tarek Amara discuss Twitch's developing the emerging codec landscape and Twitch's multi-codec content delivery strategy on the show floor at 流媒体东部 2019.


流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin and Notre Dame Studios Lead 流ing Engineer Eric Nisly discuss streaming operations at the University of Notre Dame at 流媒体东部.

SME '19:科林·桑迪说流媒体和AV正在融合和冲突

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin and Colin Sandy of Sandy Audio-Visual discuss the convergence of 流ing and AV.

SME '19: RealEyes的David Hassoun谈论大规模直播的故障排除

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin and RealEyes CEO David Hassoun discuss large-scale livestream monitoring and analysis on the show floor at 流媒体东部 2019.

SME '19: Datazoom’s Diane Strutner Talks Real-Time Data and Women in 流媒体

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin and Datazoom's Diane Strutner discuss Datazoom's real-time video data infrastructure platform and the latest developments with Women in 流媒体 in this interview from the show floor at 流媒体东部 2019.

SME '19: IBM Watson's 斯科特变成灰色 Talks Live Captioning and the Rise of IP Video

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林采访IBM沃森媒体 & 气象高级解决方案经理斯科特变成灰色在流媒体东部2019.

SME '19: Stratigro的Denise Alison谈社交媒体营销

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin and Stratigro founder Denise Alison discuss how Stratigro works with service-based entrepreneurs to improve their B2B social media marketing strategies in this interview from 流媒体东部 2019.

SME '19: BritBox的Soumya Sriraman谈OTT定位和用户粘性

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin interviews Soumya Sriraman and Efe Akbulut of BritBox at 流媒体东部 2019.

SME '19: Red5 Pro’s Chris Allen Talks WebRTC and Ultra-Low- Latency 流ing at Scale

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林和Red5 Pro的首席执行官克里斯·艾伦讨论点对点, WebRTC, and sub-500ms latency at million-streams scale on the show floor at 流媒体东部 2019.

SME '19: 莉斯 Hart谈论大规模的直播

流媒体's 蒂姆Siglin and 莉斯 Hart of 莉斯 Hart Events discuss life inside the broadcast truck at high-profile events in this interview from the show floor at 流媒体东部 2019.